29 April 2009

Block of the Month

I'm sorry I forgot to bring my camera to capture show and tell this month. However, I have photographed the block of the month diagrams, and my own finished blocks. Send me pictures of yours if you want to share and I'll post them.

For the Tree block:
Cut 6 (2-1/2") squares for A
2 (2-1/2"x 2") rectangles for C
Green Fabric (one or three different fabrics)
3 (2-1/2" x 1-1/2") rectangles for B triangles
Brown Fabric
1 (2-1/2" x 1-1/2") Rectangle D
These make a 4" by 8" finished (or 4-1/2 by 8-1/2 unfinished) block.
Background fabric:
4 (1-1/2") C squares
4 (1-1/2" x 2-1/2") rectangles for B triangles
Dark fabric:
8 (1-1/2") squares for star points
2nd Dark fabric:
1 (2-1/2") D square for the star center.
Makes a 4 inch square finished block (or 4-1/2" unfinished)
If you have assembly questions, email me.

06 April 2009


Here are a few reminders for the week:

Our regular meeting is this Thursday at 6:00 p.m. at the Senior Citizens Center.

The Dixie Quilt Guild's big shebang is this week, so check it out.

Blanche Young's birthday is coming up, and a celebration will be held later that week on Saturday, April 18 from 2-5:00 p.m. at the Main Street Quilt Cottage. If you would like to send a card (no gifts) please send it to the cottage because the open house is a surprise. Their address may be found on their website under "contact us." A link is on our sidebar.

Lynette Bingham is also having a birthday this month, so if you click on the coupon above and print it, you can take it over and celebrate with her at the Main Street Quilt Cottage this week.

If you have notes for the blog, please feel free to contact me!