Our next meeting is Thurs. May 14. It is our Charity Workshop program, so bring your machine and basic sewing kit. We will be working on self-binding baby blankets, mastectomy pillows, and diaper wraps.
If you have flannel, muslin, or some fat quarters (just enough to make a pillow case for the mastectomy pillow) please bring what you have to class. Also any extra batting and or fiber fill for the pillows. Eve has made 9 baby blanket kits with directions. These kits are $3 each payable to Eileen Spencer, as she donated the flannel. This is a bargain as there are about 2 yards of flannel in each kit!
We are looking for an idea for August meeting, so put on your thinking caps and bring your suggestions! The Apple Valley Girls are doing the food this month. Hope you are all working on your mystery project and block of the month. See you on the 14th. Eve Greco & Anne Beddo