18 February 2010

February Show and Tell 3

This was the first one Ruth had shown at quilt guild. The photo above is the front, and below is the back, which she also pieced.

This is a block of squares Anne threw together for our charity quilting that night.

Deanna made this cute baby quilt. You glue the squares down and then quilt over the top of them. It sews up really fast and is just adorable.

February Show and Tell 2

Sariah did this black and colored one from our half square triangle exchange last fall.
Eve did this one for charity out of leftovers.

This pattern is called a braid, and I just loved all of the orange hues.

Sariah's daughter is on an LDS mission in Detroit and sent her two antique quilts that match. They are hand pieced log cabins. They do not have batting, so we think they were either summer quilts or toppers. I think they might have been Christmas toppers, because I've seen quilts that color before, and the brown is what the green faded to over time. But I have no real expertise on the matter.

February Show and Tell 1

Nancy did these feather stitches as the quilting, all by hand.

Virginia's tea cup border wowed us all.
This was the block of the month at our local store.