07 October 2009

26 September 2009

14 September 2009

August Show and Tell

This is our opportunity quilt for the year. Buy tickets from a guild member and you might win it!
Drawing will be held at our November meeting, and we will call whomever wins.

I forgot my camera this month, but luckily we had a smaller show and tell due to the Peach Days show. However, I still have August's show and tell. I'll post a few tonight and more as soon as I have more time, and watch for Peach Days photos as well!

31 August 2009

Bundles of Love

My friend Nan told me about this opportunity to help soldiers. Click here for more info.

PS, I just realized I haven't posted show and tell. I'll see what I can do about getting that up this week! :)

04 August 2009

Note from Eve

Dear Guild Members,

August is here and that means a busy time for us quilters with the Washington County Fair, Western Legends Days, and Peach Days. Lynette Bingham would like your challenge quilts turned in at the shop or at the August 13th meeting. She should have the raffle tickets for the opportunity quilt and signup sheets at the meeting. Everyone should sign up for something to help make the show a success and lighten the load on Lynette.

Carol Sullivan and Wanda Maulhardt will take and return quilts for the Western Legends show in Kanab held August 27-29th. You can bring the quilts to the August 13th meeting or the Quilt Cottage before Sat. August 22nd. The quilts will be returned to the Cottage on Monday the 31st.

I want to encourage you all to participate and show off your quilts at these events. People really enjoy seeing them and let’s face it, usually only the LUCKY PEOPLE that we give our quilts to really get to see them close up. So share your talents at as many places as you can!!

Our August 13th meeting will be First and Last Quilts and the importance of labeling our quilts. Be sure and bring in your “ Early Treasures and Last Masterpieces”. See you on the 13th. Eve Greco

21 July 2009

July Show and Tell

rise 'n shine

Eve painted wooden beads red to make the bottoms for this tote.

Watch for this sweatshirt at the fair.

Check out the awesome fabric collaboration on these magnifying glass quilts.

A quilt from leftovers, I believe.

Turning five?

Inverted pattern makes two matching quilts.

Another lovely golden dahlia from Blanche Young.

These bags are a clever way to use the chalkboard fabric they had at MSQC.

Brick road quilt, I believe. There is a tutorial for the nine-patch slice method of this quilt if you click "nine patch variation" at the bottom of this post.

14 July 2009

Tip from DeAnn

DeAnn sends the following:

I just thought I would mention that if anyone is looking for fabric to finish a project try:

LS Boudreau Quilt Fabrics email: lsboudreaufabric AT eastlink.ca

They located some fabric for me that I was unable to locate on the computer or at any stores on my own. All you need to do is scan a piece of the fabric and do a little description.

They have over 300 sources they use to find the fabric you are looking for. Worked for me!

No charge...

Also I gave the Main Street Quilt Cottage the pattern I made up to make the little children's bags that use the chalk fabric. Remember? the ones I showed at July meeting.

(I'm pretty sure I have a picture of the bags, and I hope to post the pictures from July's meeting soon. Thanks for the note, DeAnn!)

07 July 2009

This Thursday

We will meet as usual at 6:00 p.m. at the Senior Citizens Center. We will be having pot luck, and you are encouraged to bring your old sewing stuff for our auction.

For show and tell we are doing "first and last" quilts, which should shake things up a little. Hope to see you there!

29 June 2009

Bit of News

Dear Guild Members,

This is a reminder notice that Janey Argyle has reserved her clubhouse for a Spiral Table topper workshop on Sat. July 11, from 10-5 pm. This is the Sat. following our regular Thursday meeting on July 9 (Pot Luck and Auction at this meeting). If you plan to come to the workshop on Sat. please respond to Eve Greco by email or phone so we have an idea how many are attending.

Janey does NOT want to tie up the club house for just a few people. You can work on your own project or charity items if you wish. If you need help stitching your tote bag around the top, I will have my big machine and can help you. The clubhouse is a great place with plenty of space and good light and we will have lots of time for sewing and can make a FOOD RUN if that's what people want to do.

There will be some basic directions for the Spiral table topper in the newsletter but I suggest that you try to pick up a pattern for yourself or to share with your buddy. Don't wait till the last minute because the store might be out of patterns. I have the spiral ruler but you might think of investing in one to share with a friend also. So please get back to me on this, Do Not Wait till the meeting on July 9 as that is too late as far as Janey's reservation is concerned. We will be doing a final count at the meeting, more people are fine, as there is room, we don't want just 3-4 people.

Thanks so much for responding and I'll see you on July 9. Bring finished charity items to the meeting also. Eve Greco

16 June 2009

June Show and Tell

Here are the quilts from this month's show and tell. If you click on the image, it should be much larger for examination. Clockwise from top: two baby quilts, an Americana with picot edges, Pink one in which Virginia Olsen "practices on her embroidery machine," black velvet butterfly intricate handwork, Eve Greco's poppy quilt, chenille backed pillow, spicy spiral table-runner.
I couldn't fit that last photo in my collage, but the top one is a "one and you're done."

15 May 2009

Show and Tell

I magically mysteriously remembered to bring my camera and flash card and batteries this month, so I give you show and tell:

Anne's Tumbling Blocks

Janey's scrappy quilts and dresser scarf.

Rose that won Dixie Quilt Guild challenge in its class.

Nancy's, from her grandmother's old dresses

from old suits

Hawaiian baby quilt

Fat quarter bag.

dresser scarf (matches above)

Blanche's latest, curved corners.

baby blanket

baby blanket

baby blanket

and one more baby blanket.